General Information
The Aspire Speech and Language Therapy Team support all pupils in the school.
We work with pupils and families to enable our pupils to become the best communicators they can be. We work throughout the school to develop children's communication skills and ensure that our learning environments meet the individual needs of our pupils.
Communication Across the School
With the support of the therapy team, at Aspire school, all staff use a ‘Total Communication Approach’ to support the individual communication needs of our pupils. This can include:
- Using visuals such as symbols, photos or objects alongside our spoken language to help our pupils understand us and communicate both inside and outside school
- Using Makaton sign language
- Make sure the spoken language we use is at the right level and give our pupils time and support to understand us
- Using Alternative and Augmentative forms of speaking such as hi-tech communication aids, or low tech communication books
Our priority is always to promote spontaneous communication, by offering all pupils engaging and motivating activities that they want to take part in and communicate about. We train our staff to model the communication techniques children are learning, throughout daily activities, rather than working on them in 1:1 therapy sessions, although these are still offered when needed.
Speech and Language Therapy at Aspire
There are three levels of support offered by the Therapy Team.
Pupils are seen for direct therapy with follow up activities given to staff and parents. Therapy may be delivered by Speech and Language Therapist or a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant.
A communication summary will be written and shared with families each time a pupil's progress is reviewed, usually at the end of each therapy block. This is also included in the pupil's Annual EHCP review paperwork.
Therapists assess and review pupils, then set targets jointly with parents and staff. The targets are then worked on by trained classroom staff and parents, with support from a therapist as needed.
A communication summary will be written and shared with families each time a pupil's progress is reviewed, usually at least twice a year. This is also included in the pupil's Annual EHCP review paperwork.
Advice, training, and support is available to all members of the school community.
At this level, pupils benefit from whole class strategies and interventions, which are built into every aspect of the school day.
The amount of therapy or support each pupil receives is flexible and can change over time, depending on individual communication needs, e.g. if a child receives targeted support and then shows signs that they would benefit from a block of intervention this can be offered when a slot is available.
If you fe el your child needs an assessment or more support from the Speech and Language Therapy team at Aspire, please speak to your Class Teacher. Developing communication is built into every aspect of the school curriculum at Aspire, and additional, specialist intervention from the therapy team is not always needed.
Working with Other Professionals
At Aspire, we work closely with other professionals to provide additional supports to our pupils when needed e.g. NHS colleagues who provide specialist feeding and swallowing advice, or physiotherapy. We also work closely with an Occupational Therapist who supports our pupils to participate and engage with everyday activities, particularly if they need additional support to meet their sensory needs.
To contact the Speech and Language Therapy team, please call 01795 899788 or email :