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Aspire Primary School

​​​​​​​Individual For All, Aspirational For Everyone​​​​​​​

Curriculum & Learning Pathways

At Aspire School, we deliver a needs-based approach to learning and teaching, centred around our Pathways.  We are aspirational with our learning offer and believe that all pupils   can achieve great things. Our bespoke Pathway model    is designed to meet the needs of pupils within our school whilst creating a culture of learning together with increasing independence. 
We want all of our pupils to reach their full potential and our offer of different pathways means we can be flexible and progressive, enabling  pupils to move between pathways as appropriate.   
All pupils, regardless of pathway and level of need, will follow a personal development curriculum linked to their individual starting points.


Our curriculum intent is for all children to leave Aspire as:
  • Confident communicators in whatever form they use most effectively
  • Active members of their community who uphold Fundamental British Values
  • Creative and able to engage in a range of positive activities and experiences
  • Healthy and supported where necessary to maintain this through positive choices
  • Resilient and able to regulate and manage change with necessary support
  • Able to advocate for their own needs and differences
  • Able to live as independently as possible and access secondary education then college, apprenticeships or employment in later life (where appropriate).


Common Aspects

Specific Aspects

Our Offer


We will do this through:


(Pathway 1)

Functional and



focussing on

life skills and


are a key aspect

of learning in

all Pathways.


supports such

as sensory or


adaptations are

available to all


regardless of

their pathway

(See Core Offer)

We offer a curriculum which tracks the child’s interests and preferences using the Engagement Model to motivate, inspire and  promote learning

  • Supporting language, social communication and attention using a range of signs, symbols and tools, as appropriate
  • Sharing attention
  • Promoting engagement through sensory experiences
  • Supporting recognising feelings
  • Understanding the behaviour and actions as a form of communication
  • Supporting children to understand the importance of people, places and objects in the context of their wants and needs
  • Accessing the Engage Curriculum in readiness for learning as appropriate to developmental stages and interests
  • Developing curiosity and an interest in a range of activities.
  • Helping to prepare for the next stages in life


(Pathway 2)

We offer a needs-driven adaptive curriculum where learning opportunities engage, excite and extend cognitive                   understanding

  • Teaching functional aspects of active learning, including independence, sustaining attention, communication and following routines
  • Supporting children to be independent communicators
  • Linking learning together
  • Supporting developing an awareness of own feelings
  • Encouraging being aware of and learning alongside others
  • Building Positive relationships with the child and their families
  • Accessing the Explore Curriculum in readiness for learning as appropriate to developmental stages and interests
  • Helping to prepare for the next stages in life.

Discover (Pathway 3)

We offer full access to a relevant academic curriculum across all         subjects, at a pace which suits the developmental level of the child

  • Supporting children to be independent communicators
  • Working collaboratively with others, with support if needed
  • Teaching an adapted National Curriculum, according to starting points
  • Supporting a developing understanding of own feelings and those of others
  • Building Positive relationships with the child and their families
  • Accessing National Testing if and when relevant
  • Helping to prepare for the next stages of life.


We offer a trauma-informed pathway with a nurturing approach to promote emotional regulation, positive behaviour support and develop emotional intelligence

  • Providing a sense of safety, support and inclusivity
  • Supporting an understanding of their own needs and to develop advocacy for these in a positive way.
  • Understanding the behaviour and actions as a form of communication
  • Supporting children to recognising their own feelings and feelings of others


Want to know more?

If you are interested in finding out more about our curriculum pathways, please click on the links, as follows:
  • ENGAGE pathway (previously Pathway 1) to find out more about  our children following the Engagement Model

  • EXPLORE  pathway (previously Pathway 2) to find out more about   our children who are able to engage in some activities which adults are directing and are ready to explore learning in a semi-formal way through our Branches Maps and Schemes of Work

  • DISCOVER pathway (previously Pathway 3) to find out more about our children following the National Curriculum subjects in a more formal learning style than the other pathways.    All subjects within the National Curriculum have a subject leader within school.

  • NOTE:  Children who are receiving our NURTURE offer will be following either Explore or Discover pathway in a way that suits their learning styles.

If you would like to find out more, please contact the school.